Part 1: Intro – An In-Depth Guide On Veneers

by | Dec 5, 2019 | Dental Treatments | 0 comments

Before and After Veneers


The first veneers were introduced by Dr. Charles Pincus in Hollywood in 1928 to temporarily enhance an actor’s appearance for close-ups in the movie industry. Dr. Pincus used methyl-methacrylate veneer to replicate the perfect smile which was later removed when filming is done. As popularized by a lot of famous actors and actresses, today, everyone wants a HOLLYWOOD SMILE!

Dental Veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length.

The idea of dental veneers is to achieve a perfect and natural-looking smile. With a thorough physical examination and an accurate diagnosis, we create the best treatment plan.


  • Multiple Diastema (Plural Diastema)

It is a space or gap between two teeth and is common for children as well as adults.

  • Enamel Hypoplasia

It is a defect of the teeth in which the enamel is deficient in amount, caused by defective enamel matrix formation. This occurs while teeth are still developing and it still can affect both baby teeth and permanent teeth.

  • Intrinsic Stains (such as Fluorosis and Tetracycline Stains)

Intrinsic tooth stains are stains that are inside the tooth. This is when the inner structure of the tooth darkens or gets a yellow tint.

  • Anatomical Deformities (Peg-Shaped Laterals)
  • Malpositioned Teeth That Do Not Require Orthodontics Procedure


I. Composite Veneers

These are veneers made from composite materials. Studies have shown that modern composite materials can provide a beautiful appearance that is non-destructive, minimally invasive to the tooth structure.

It is matched with the natural tooth shade and is applied in layers to the tooth surface. It is then sculpted directly into the teeth to achieve the desired shade and shape. Composite veneers can be used in cases such as chipping, discoloration of teeth and minor misalignment of teeth.

II. Porcelain Veneers

These are veneers made from the laboratory which are custom-made to fit directly over the teeth.

Porcelain veneers create a more life-like and natural tooth appearance compared to composite veneers. The translucent properties of the porcelain allow the veneers to mimic the light handling characteristics of enamel giving it a sense of depth. They are durable and can last for many years (usually 10-15 years) with proper oral hygiene.

III. Glass Veneers

This type of veneers is a derivative from composite resins. The material is currently patented by a company and they are the only one that manufactures this kind of veneers. The raw material came from composite resin because currently composite resin has the closest characteristics to the natural tooth or what is commonly termed now as "biomimetic". The end product is laser sintered vitrified glass. It has removed the majority of the resin for stability of the color and left enough volume just to bind the fillers which is glass. Thus, it doesn't stain. It goes through laser sintering for gloss ending to good esthetics. It is very thin, so, tooth preparation may not be necessary if the case warrants it. It requires mechanical retention, so, roughening the back surface of the veneer is needed and the use of their own bonding agent which they call, Veneer Bond (that can be also use to porcelain, metal and other inorganic surface for bonding) and highly filled quality composite resin for cementation are necessary.



  • Type I Preparation (Window Type)

This type of preparation is used for most direct and indirect composite veneers. The intra-enamel design of this preparation preserves the lingual and incisal surfaces of the maxillary anterior teeth protecting the veneers from occlusal stress.

Preparation Parameters

  • 3 mm to 0.5 mm facial tooth preparation
  • Margin preparation, 0.3 mm chamfer equigingival
  • Preparation extending into the interproximal, 1/2 of the way through the contacts
  • Type II Preparation

This is most often used for veneer preparation and can accomplish moderate shade and shape changes.

Preparation Parameters

  • 5 mm to 0.7 mm facial tooth preparation
  • Margin preparation, 0.3 mm chamfer margin at or slightly subgingival
  • Preparation extending into the interproximal, 1/2 of the way through the contacts
  • Incisal edge prep can be 0.75 mm to 1.5 mm - 90º “butt joint” preparation is the best
  • 2 mm incisal reduction without palatal chamfer


  • Type III Veneer Preparation (Wrap Preparation)

This type of preparation can be used to restrict any angle fractures. This is used to correct for deficits such as flat papilas, instant ortho, and diastemas.

Preparation Parameters

  • 1 mm to 1.5 mm facial preparation
  • 3 mm chamfer margin at or slightly subgingiva
  • 1 mm to 2 mm incisal edge reduction 90º “butt joint”preparation is the best
  • 1 mm height of palatal chamfer
  • Preparation into the interproximal contact about 1/2 of the way through the contact

Everybody wants to have a perfect smile. Dental Veneers is increasing in popularity and demand, especially in the younger population. As dentists, knowledge about this treatment and skills to execute the technique properly are required if you want to keep up with this trending aesthetic procedure.


Dr. Bryan Anduiza - Main Writer
Dr. M. Jean Villanueva-Galindez - Editor

Credits on Image:
Dr. Stephan Lampl's Case for Before and After Veneers


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