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The Tip That Is Navitip

by | Jan 10, 2016 | Dental Materials, Dental Treatments | 0 comments

Navitip Sideport

The Tip That Is Navitip

by | Jan 10, 2016 | 0 comments

Nobody can deny that the practice of Endodontics is not always an easy feat. Thus, continuous study is done all over the world in the dental community especially for those who wants to achieve a high success rate in root canal therapy with as much minimal tooth reduction and hassle for both the dentist and the patient. Everyone are working hard to achieve this because saving a tooth truly makes a lot better sense than extracting it. So, many different endodontic systems already came out, some are simple to understand others are for those specializing it. Principles in the method of enlarging the canals are also debated for so many years. Each are claiming one is better than the other or offering the best solution for less work and time. But, I believe in all the differences and debates, everyone is in agreement that one of the most critical step in root canal therapy is irrigation.

Cleaning the canal is very critical especially after all the debridement we, practitioners, are doing in the canal to remove infected dentin and in preparation for obturation. But, this will be all for nothing if we are not able to clean it properly. Although, for the longest time we have used the tips of disposable needles to introduced our solutions to irrigate and clean the canals nothing has yet been introduced in the dental market as innovative and very simple way of doing it. It's called the Navitips.


Navitips not only can introduce the irrigating solutions to the canal but some are also designed to ensure that it won't get extracted outside the foramen especially when we are using Sodium Hypochlorite, this is called the Navitip Sideport. Navitips are also designed to carry into the canal sealers and other medicament necessary for us to really get into those hard to reach area as the canal constricts as it goes to the apical 1/3. Do you know that the goal of endodontic irrigation is to irrigate from the bottom up in order to avoid trapping air in the canal? It is very difficult to displace an air bubble when you’re filling the canal from the top down, so it’s important to get the smallest cannula close to the apex without passing through the foramen. However, the deeper the canal, the more difficult it is to get the tip of the cannula down to the apical region of the tooth. NaviTip tips are specifically designed to ensure that the tip of the cannula easily reaches the apical region to deliver irrigants right where they’re needed.

Insertion of Navitip

NaviTip delivery tips are available in four lengths and two gauges to easily deliver endodontic sealers, irrigants, and other medicaments of varying viscosities just short of the apex. The cannula of each NaviTip is slightly rigid through the base and center, but flexible at the tip to allow for easy navigation of curved canals. Each NaviTip tip is color coordinated to match the corresponding endo file lengths, further simplifying their use.
  • Controlled delivery to the apex
  • Flexible, stainless steel cannula easily navigates curved canals
  • Economical stainless steel material for single use
  • Available in 17, 21, 25, and 27mm lengths and 29- or 30-gauge cannula

There are really a variety of ways when we can use materials that will not cost us an arm and a leg. And, truly worthy of its price in relation to what it can bring to us in our manner of treatment and its effectivity. It just makes simple sense, don't you think so?

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