Tor VM Polishing Discs 40 pcs with Mandrel


Finishing and Polishing Disk w/ Mandrel for Low Speed Handpiece

Sold By: Lead Dent

Tor VM Polishing Disc are paper coated with various grits of silica; used to abrade, contour, finish or smoothen the surface of teeth or dental materials.
Available Packaging:
Polishing Discs - Metal Connector,40 pcs.
➢ for gross reduction (№ 1.731/16) 10 pcs.
➢ for contouring (№ 1.732/16) 10 pcs.
➢ for finishing (№ 1.733/16) 10 pcs.
➢ for polishing (№ 1.734/16) 10 pcs.
➢ mandrel № 1.121 1 pcs.
Polishing Discs - Universal Kit Metal Connector, 80 pcs., diameter 12 mm, 40 pcs.:
➢ for gross reduction (№ 1.731/12) 10 pcs.
➢ for contouring (№ 1.732/12) 10 pcs.
➢ for finishing (№ 1.733/12) 10 pcs.
➢ for polishing (№ 1.734/12)
Polishing Discs - Universal Kit Metal Connector, 10 pcs., diameter 14 mm, 40 pcs.:
➢ for gross reduction (№ 1.731/14) 10 pcs.
➢ for contouring (№ 1.732/14) 10 pcs.
➢ for finishing (№ 1.733/14) 10 pcs.
➢ for polishing (№ 1.734/14) 10 pcs.
➢ mandrel № 1.121 1 pcs.

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