A Guide In Choosing Better Composite Resins Part 1
More often than not we decide on the type of composite resins we used based on Price Value, then, next the Esthetic Result rather than its Actual Content. We prefer the principle of “one fits all” and that is the sales pitch we all prefer to believe but it isn’t actually true in its truest sense. The type of composite resins you use should be based on what the goal you actually want to achieve in your treatment. And, in creating a goal to your treatment based on your case at hand will provide you a much better result and success to your final restoration.
So, let’s take it one at a time for you to be able to wisely choose the brand of composite resins you need to buy besides considering the price. When you buy, you need to rate which one is more valuable to you, so, you can assess if that brand of composite resin is for you. Here are the common factors dentists general preferences:
1. Handling and Ease of Use
2. Durability
3. Shade Compatibility and Stability
4. Functionality
With these preferences, base now on how you rate its importance to you, you can actually get exactly what suits your practice by simply understanding its contents and how it actually works. The contents of your composite resins affects your restorative results.
So, Composite Resins are actually made of the following:
(1) Organic Material- This is commonly called Resins or Oligomer Matrix
(2) Inorganinc Materials - Commonly known as the Fillers
(3) Coupling Materials- This binds the Resins to the Fillers
(4) Associated Additives- Generally called the Initiators
Then, why the heck you need to know these? Because this defines the quality of your composite resins and provides you achievability of your preferences and, finally, the end result for your treatment. Bottom line is, if you purchased your composite resins based only on its price and promotional value given to you by your distributor, then, don’t blame them if you don’t get exactly what you want.
I believe the reason why DIY and laboratory technicians are taking over our work illegally and becoming successful in doing it because we became a price-driven market rather than a professional one. If we look at ourselves as a true-blue professionals, then, we need to understand the materials we use in our treatment. Don’t you agree?
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