GAL Virus Killer


In our new normal, our room sprays must not only provide us with good relaxing scents! They must be packed with protection by killing bacteria and viruses in every surface!!! GaL Virus Killer offers the protection your family needs!

Sold By: GaL Scent World

In our new normal, our room sprays must not only provide us with good relaxing scents! They must be packed with protection by killing bacteria and viruses in every surface!!! GaL Virus Killer offers the protection your family needs! Spray it in your room to freshen the air, on your pillows, bed sheets, on your phone, laptop, benches, door knobs, toilet seats and more. GaL virus Killer has a safe percentage of Benzalkonium Chhloride and is enhanced by 70 % Ethyl Alcohol. Both offer a persistent kill of germs around the house! Protect your loved ones with GaL Virus Killer!

➢ 100 ML

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Breezy, Fruity, Lemony


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