
What is really the business of DMD cEnter?

DMD cEnter is a brand name of a registered SEC Corporation under Grand Switch Corp. This is the reason why you will see that all our transaction receipts is under our corporate name, Grand Switch Corp. (GSC). The business of our brand, DMD cEnter is mainly digital that involves membership that has features and benefits. One of its features is the online courses that trains dentists to hone their particular skills for their dental practice and business. There are other features and benefits that DMD cEnter will provide in due time. Bottomline is DMD cEnter aims to be an all in one place that's everything about dental through 4C's: Create, Connect, Communicate and Collaborate with everyone related to dental such as dentists, dental hygienists, dental diagnostics, dental laboratories, distributors, manufacturers, speakers or trainers and other related products and services that are outside the dental profession or business but are necessary for dental practitioners to run their dental business.

How do I become a member?

It is very easy, just register CLICK HERE and choose your category as to what part of the dental community you are in or if not.

Is it free to be a member?

Yes, it is FREE and this current membership as an Insider will always be free. However, there are membership that will be offered later to provide a much wider range of features and benefits. Moreover, some of the free services now maybe not be part of free anymore later. WHY? It's because all of what you see and what you enjoy at DMD cEnter website are actually NOT FREE for Grand Switch Corp. We pay so many people, services, licenses and other stuff just to run this website and provide you the service you deserve as our customer and/or Collaborative Partner. All of these comes with a price and Grand Switch Corp. needs to survive as a business just like you in your own business.

I am trying to login but I can't, why?

DMD cEnter website has a security in place to protect the information and data of our users as well as ours. That's why password in any websites with logins is very sensitive and MUST be protected at all times by you as an owner of a password. You will sometimes be provided a temporary password upon registration, but, you have to change that upon login to your account dashboard and keep it to yourself. Use a password that you can remember yet difficult to guess by others. Having said that, here are the reasons why you can't login:
➢ IF you login 3x in our website and either your email or username or password entry is incorrect, you will be locked out and will not be able to login.
➢ Wrong username and/or email address that you registered from your account with us.
➢ Wrong password.
➢ Wrong category of who you are as a member DMD cEnter. ex. You maybe trying to login on the area of non-dentists.

How do I resolve a lockout from my account?

Wait for 1-24 hours. Then, do the following:
(a) Go to login area. CLICK THIS Choose your category role.
(b) If the problem is you cannot remember your password.
➢ Click "Forget Password" or "Lost Your Password".
➢ Enter your correct e-mail address.
➢ Check your e-mail.
➢ Click the link on that e-mail.
➢ Change your password.
➢ Login to your account.
If it is your e-mail address or username, please e-mail us at support@dmd.center or CLICK HERE.

How do I earn from DMD cEnter?
As DMD cEnter's motto is 4Cs: Create, Connect,Communicate and Collaborate, we are also a believer that at DMD cEnter everyone deserves a share of the pie especially if you become a Collaborative Partner of DMD cEnter or GSC (Grand Switch Corp). How do you do that:
➢ Be a Member and an Affiliate;
➢ Earn Reward Points By Being Active on Website such as Writing Reviews, Daily Logins, Profile Completion, Shopping, Referrals, etc.
➢ Participate in our Drop Shipping Program; ➢ Teach or be a Mentor in our DESC (Dental Enhancement Skill Class);
➢ Share in our Educational and Forum programs;
➢ Be an Offsite Salesperson.
How do I join on these income opportunity programs?

As per mentioned, DMD cEnter is being developed to have more features and benefits. However, these things do take time. Currently, what is open are the following:
➢ Speakers or Mentors or Trainers;
➢ Affiliate;
➢ Offsite Salespeople.
You may join if interested to be a Mentors and Offsite Salesperson by contacting us at HERE.
If as an Affiliate of DMD cEnter Marketing Affiliate Program, REGISTER HERE. However, if you are a dentist and a DMD cEnter member, you are automatically can become an affiliate provided you completed the requirements of an Affiliate Member.

Why do I need to place my Facebook URL upon registration?

As registration is FREE at DMD cEnter and it is supposedly for the benefits of the dentists, If you are trying to register as a dentist, DMD cEnter needs to be able to check if you are truly a dentist or not. And, the simplest initial method is for us to be able to check your social network account. Please check our PRIVACY POLICY and USE OF WEBSITE for your further information. If you do not like it, then, it is a free country and you don't have to proceed with your registration.

Why do I need to upload my ID to be verified as a DMD Member?

DMD cEnter is mainly for dentists to support our colleagues and the dental community per se. Thus, it is important that if you are trying to register as a dentist, DMD cEnter can verify that you are a dentist before you can access all our content and the full free features and benefits.

DMD cEnter Logo

A One Stop Place That's Everything About Dental. We Make Dental Practice Better with 4Cs: Create · Connect · Communicate · Collaborate

+63 27 624 5309


6th Floor · B&P Building · Arnaiz Ave · Legazpi Village · Makati City · 1229 · Philippines

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The Digital Place To Be For The Dental Community

As Dentists, do you want to enhance even better your dental skills & techniques? Do you want to have opportunity to earn and learn?
As Patients, do you want to find the right dentist for you?
As Entrepreneurs, do you want more exposure in your market and business solutions?
If the Answer if YES