by Bryan Anduiza, DMD | Feb 15, 2021 | Dental Materials, Miscellaneous |
In the new normal we are all living with, we need to be familiar with all the armamentarium available to protect ourselves from getting sick, particularly with CoVid-19 that created havoc in all aspects of our lives. Thus, one of the things we need to at least have a...
by Dr. Jean Villanueva and Dr. Bryan Anduiza | Nov 9, 2020 | Business, Dental Materials, Miscellaneous |
CoVid-19 has changed our world in all aspects of our lives and this is even more apparent in our dental practice. So, how applicable is cold sterilization in current dental infection control? Is it still viable to use? Is it still reliable for us to use? To answer...
by Jean Villanueva, DMD | Jul 13, 2016 | Miscellaneous |
5 Simple Ways To Be Sure Your Dentist Cares About Your Protection: I don’t know about you but when I go to a restaurant, there is one thing critical to me whether I will still go back there or not beside the food…and…that is the establishment’s restroom or...